Low-power timer (LPTIM)
RM0453 Rev 2
The LPTIM_CFGR register must only be modified when the LPTIM is disabled (ENABLE bit
reset to ‘0’).
Bit 8 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bits 7:6
Configurable digital filter for trigger
The TRGFLT value sets the number of consecutive equal samples that should be detected when a
level change occurs on an internal trigger before it is considered as a valid level transition. An
internal clock source must be present to use this feature
00: any trigger active level change is considered as a valid trigger
01: trigger active level change must be stable for at least 2 clock periods before it is considered as
valid trigger.
10: trigger active level change must be stable for at least 4 clock periods before it is considered as
valid trigger.
11: trigger active level change must be stable for at least 8 clock periods before it is considered as
valid trigger.
Bit 5 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bits 4:3
Configurable digital filter for external clock
The CKFLT value sets the number of consecutive equal samples that should be detected when a
level change occurs on an external clock signal before it is considered as a valid level transition. An
internal clock source must be present to use this feature
00: any external clock signal level change is considered as a valid transition
01: external clock signal level change must be stable for at least 2 clock periods before it is
considered as valid transition.
10: external clock signal level change must be stable for at least 4 clock periods before it is
considered as valid transition.
11: external clock signal level change must be stable for at least 8 clock periods before it is
considered as valid transition.
Bits 2:1
Clock Polarity
When the LPTIM is clocked by an external clock source, CKPOL bits is used to configure the active
edge or edges used by the counter:
00:the rising edge is the active edge used for counting.
If the LPTIM is configured in Encoder mode (ENC bit is set), the encoder sub-mode 1 is active.
01:the falling edge is the active edge used for counting.
If the LPTIM is configured in Encoder mode (ENC bit is set), the encoder sub-mode 2 is active.
10:both edges are active edges. When both external clock signal edges are considered active ones,
the LPTIM must also be clocked by an internal clock source with a frequency equal to at least
four times the external clock frequency.
If the LPTIM is configured in Encoder mode (ENC bit is set), the encoder sub-mode 3 is active.
11:not allowed
for more details about Encoder mode sub-modes.
Bit 0
Clock selector
The CKSEL bit selects which clock source the LPTIM uses:
0: LPTIM is clocked by internal clock source (APB clock or any of the embedded oscillators)
1: LPTIM is clocked by an external clock source through the LPTIM external Input1