RM0453 Rev 2
Low-power timer (LPTIM)
Figure 265. LPTIM output waveform, Continuous counting mode configuration
SNGSTRT and CNTSTRT bits can only be set when the timer is enabled (The ENABLE bit
is set to ‘1’). It is possible to change “on the fly” from One-shot mode to Continuous mode.
If the Continous mode was previously selected, setting SNGSTRT switches the LPTIM to
the One-shot mode. The counter (if active) stops as soon as an LPTIM update event is
If the One-shot mode was previously selected, setting CNTSTRT switches the LPTIM to the
Continuous mode. The counter (if active) restarts as soon as it reaches ARR.
28.4.9 Timeout
The detection of an active edge on one selected trigger input can be used to reset the
LPTIM counter. This feature is controlled through the TIMOUT bit.
The first trigger event starts the timer, any successive trigger event resets the LPTIM
counter and the repetition counter and the timer restarts.
A low-power timeout function can be realized. The timeout value corresponds to the
compare value; if no trigger occurs within the expected time frame, the MCU is waked-up by
the compare match event.
28.4.10 Waveform
Two 16-bit registers, the LPTIM_ARR (autoreload register) and LPTIM_CMP (compare
register), are used to generate several different waveforms on LPTIM output
The timer can generate the following waveforms:
The PWM mode: the LPTIM output is set as soon as the counter value in LPTIM_CNT
exceeds the compare value in LPTIM_CMP. The LPTIM output is reset as soon as a
match occurs between the LPTIM_ARR and the LPTIM_CNT registers.
The One-pulse mode: the output waveform is similar to the one of the PWM mode for
the first pulse, then the output is permanently reset
The Set-once mode: the output waveform is similar to the One-pulse mode except that
the output is kept to the last signal level (depends on the output configured polarity).
The above described modes require that the LPTIM_ARR register value be strictly greater
than the LPTIM_CMP register value.
Discarded triggers
External trigger event