RM0453 Rev 2
Serial peripheral interface / integrated interchip sound (SPI/I2S)
Bit 7
Busy flag
SPI (or I2S) not busy
1: SPI (or I2S) is busy in communication or Tx buffer is not empty
This flag is set and cleared by hardware.
Note: The BSY flag must be used with caution: refer to
Section 37.5.10: SPI status flags
Procedure for disabling the SPI on page 1270
Bit 6
Overrun flag
0: No overrun occurred
1: Overrun occurred
This flag is set by hardware and reset by a software sequence. Refer to
for the software sequence.
Bit 5
Mode fault
0: No mode fault occurred
1: Mode fault occurred
This flag is set by hardware and reset by a software sequence. Refer to
for the software sequence.
Note: This bit is not used in I
S mode.
Bit 4
CRC error flag
0: CRC value received matches the SPIx_RXCRCR value
1: CRC value received does not match the SPIx_RXCRCR value
Note: This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software writing 0.
This bit is not used in I
S mode.
Bit 3
Underrun flag
0: No underrun occurred
1: Underrun occurred
This flag is set by hardware and reset by a software sequence. Refer to
for the software sequence.
Note: This bit is not used in SPI mode.
Bit 2
: Channel side
0: Channel Left has to be transmitted or has been received
1: Channel Right has to be transmitted or has been received
Note: This bit is not used in SPI mode. It has no significance in PCM mode.
Bit 1
Transmit buffer empty
0: Tx buffer not empty
1: Tx buffer empty
Bit 0
Receive buffer not empty
0: Rx buffer empty
1: Rx buffer not empty