Power control (PWR)
RM0453 Rev 2
Refer to the product datasheet for more details on voltage regulator and peripherals
operating conditions.
I/O states in LPRun mode
In LPRun mode, all I/O pins keep the same state as in Run mode.
Enter LPRun mode
To enter the LPRun mode, proceed as follows (refer to
Jump into the SRAM and power down the Flash memory by setting the FPDR bit in the
Section 6.6.1: PWR control register 1 (PWR_CR1)
2. Disable
3. Decrease the HCLK clock frequencies below 2 MHz.
4. Force the regulator in low-power mode by setting the LPR bit in the
Exit LPRun mode
To exit the LPRun mode, proceed as follows (refer to
Force the regulator in main mode by clearing the LPR bit in the
2. Wait until REGLPF bit is cleared in the
Power status register 2 (PWR_SR2)
3. Increase the HCLK clock frequency (enable HSE32 clock when needed).
Enter low-power mode
The MCU enters low-power mode following one of these events:
when MCU executes the WFI (wait for interrupt)
when MCU executes WFE (wait for event) instructions
on return from ISR when the SLEEPONEXIT bit in the CPU system control register is
Low-power mode is only be entered if no interrupt or event is pending.
Exit low-power mode
From Sleep and Stop modes, the CPU exits low-power mode depending on the way the
Table 47. LPRun
LPRun mode
Mode entry
Decrease the system clock frequency below 2 MHz. LPR = 1.
Mode exit
LPR = 0. Wait until REGLPF = 0. Increase the system clock frequency.
Wakeup latency
Regulator wakeup time from low-power mode