True random number generator (RNG)
RM0453 Rev 2
Bits 19:16
: Clock divider factor
This value used to configure an internal programmable divider (from 1 to 16) acting on the
incoming RNG clock. These bits can be written only when the core is disabled (RNGEN = 0).
0x0: internal RNG clock after divider is similar to incoming RNG clock.
0x1: two RNG clock cycles per internal RNG clock.
0xF: 2
RNG clock cycles per internal clock (for example. an incoming 48MHz RNG clock
becomes a 1.5 kHz internal RNG clock)
Writing these bits is taken into account only if CONDRST bit is set to 1 in the same access,
while CONFIGLOCK remains at 0. Writing to this bit is ignored if CONFIGLOCK = 1.
Bits 15:13
RNG configuration 2
Reserved to the RNG configuration (bitfield 2). Refer to RNG_CONFIG1 bitfield for details.
Bit 12
: Non NIST compliant
0: Hardware default values for NIST compliant RNG. In this configuration per 128-bit output
two conditioning loops are performed and 256 bits of noise source are used.
1: Custom values for NIST compliant RNG. See
Section 22.6: RNG entropy source
for proposed configuration.
Writing this bit is taken into account only if CONDRST bit is set to 1 in the same access,
while CONFIGLOCK remains at 0. Writing to this bit is ignored if CONFIGLOCK = 1.
Bits 11:8
RNG configuration 3
Reserved to the RNG configuration (bitfield 3). Refer to RNG_CONFIG1 bitfield for details.
If NISTC bit is cleared in this register RNG_CONFIG3 bitfield values are ignored by RNG.
Bit 7 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 6 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 5
Clock error detection
0: Clock error detection is enable
1: Clock error detection is disable
The clock error detection cannot be enabled nor disabled on-the-fly when the RNG is
enabled, i.e. to enable or disable CED the RNG must be disabled.
Writing this bit is taken into account only if CONDRST bit is set to 1 in the same access,
while CONFIGLOCK remains at 0. Writing to this bit is ignored if CONFIGLOCK = 1.
Bit 4 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 3
Interrupt Enable
0: RNG Interrupt is disabled
1: RNG Interrupt is enabled. An interrupt is pending as soon as DRDY = 1, SEIS = 1 or
CEIS = 1 in the RNG_SR register.
Bit 2
True random number generator enable
0: True random number generator is disabled. Analog noise sources are powered off and
logic clocked by the RNG clock is gated.
1: True random number generator is enabled.
Bits 1:0 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.