RM0453 Rev 2
Real-time clock (RTC)
Bit 19
: Calibration output selection
When COE = 1, this bit selects which signal is output on CALIB.
0: Calibration output is 512 Hz
1: Calibration output is 1 Hz
These frequencies are valid for RTCCLK at 32.768 kHz and prescalers at their default values
(PREDIV_A = 127 and PREDIV_S = 255). Refer to
Section 32.3.16: Calibration clock output
Bit 18
: Backup
This bit can be written by the user to memorize whether the daylight saving time change has
been performed or not.
Bit 17
ubtract 1 hour (winter time change)
When this bit is set outside initialization mode, 1 hour is subtracted to the calendar time if the
current hour is not 0. This bit is always read as 0.
Setting this bit has no effect when current hour is 0.
0: No effect
1: Subtracts 1 hour to the current time. This can be used for winter time change.
Bit 16
: Add 1 hour (summer time change)
When this bit is set outside initialization mode, 1 hour is added to the calendar time. This bit
is always read as 0.
0: No effect
1: Adds 1 hour to the current time. This can be used for summer time change
Bit 15
: Timestamp interrupt enable
0: Timestamp interrupt disable
1: Timestamp interrupt enable
Bit 14
: Wakeup timer interrupt enable
0: Wakeup timer interrupt disabled
1: Wakeup timer interrupt enabled
Bit 13
: Alarm B interrupt enable
0: Alarm B interrupt disable
1: Alarm B interrupt enable
Bit 12
: Alarm A interrupt enable
0: Alarm A interrupt disabled
1: Alarm A interrupt enabled
Bit 11
: timestamp enable
0: timestamp disable
1: timestamp enable
Bit 10
: Wakeup timer enable
0: Wakeup timer disabled
1: Wakeup timer enabled
Bit 9
: Alarm B enable
0: Alarm B disabled
1: Alarm B enabled
Bit 8
Alarm A enable
0: Alarm A disabled
1: Alarm A enabled