Frequency Band Restrictions
The wireless system operator needs to be aware of local regulations and comply with all applicable laws regarding operation of
wireless devices.
In some restricted frequency bands, the operator will need to obtain an unlock code from Sound Devices to assign a restricted
frequency to the transmitter.
Once a license has been granted, please contact Sound Devices ([email protected])
to obtain the necessary unlock code.
An example of a frequency band requiring an unlock code in the United States is 1435-1525 MHz. Program Making and Special
Events (PMSE) wireless operators typically call 1435-1525 MHz the "AFTRCC band". AFTRCC stands for Aerospace and Flight
Test Radio Coordinating Council. This organization coordinates a number of frequency bands for use by air and spacecraft in the
United States. This includes 1435-1525 MHz.
Per the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules, wireless microphones are allowed as secondary users in
the 1435-1525 MHz AFTRCC band. This is detailed in the FCC Part 74 rules:
One section of the Part 74 rules that's of particular interest to operators seeking an AFTRCC band license is 74.803(d):
Similar to the 914.5 - 944 MHz band, nationwide licenses are not typically granted for wireless operation in 1435-1525 MHz.
Generally speaking, a wireless operator needs to show they've used all other available spectrum before the AFTRCC will consider a
license request in the 1435-1525 MHz range. If granted, the license is normally assigned for a specific location and a specific time
Sound Devices encourages all wireless operators to obtain a Part 74 license, and specifically to make sure applicable parts of the
600 MHz and 950 MHz range are included with their license application. This can help show an operator is aware of the available
spectrum and is utilizing it responsibly.
More information on Part 74 licensing can be found here:
User Guide