SN32F100 Series
32-Bit Cortex-M0 Micro-Controller
Page 154
Version 1.9
Step7: CK_EN = 0
13.9.3 Sigma-delta ADC Enable Sequence
Step1: ADC Analog Enable (Sigma-delta ADC Power-Up Sequence)
Step2: ADC Digital Enable (ACTIVE = 1)
Step3: Delay 21us for ADC setup time
Step4: MCLK Output Enable (MCLKOEN = 1 and I2S Enable)
13.10 Sigma-delta DAC Control Flow
13.10.1 Sigma-delta DAC Power-up Sequence
Step1: PD_IREF = 0
Step2: VMIDSEL = 1
Step3: PD_VREF = 0
Step4: VMIDSEL = 0
Step5: PD_DAC = 0
Step6: PD_CLK = 0
Step7: After PD_CLK, delay 6.3us
Step8: After I2S data ready, delay 125ms
Step9: PD_DRV = 0
13.10.2 Sigma-delta DAC Power-down Sequence
Step1: PD_DRV = 1
Step2: PD_DAC = 1
Step3: VMIDSEL = 0
Step4: PD_VREF = 1
Step5: PD_IREF = 1
Step6: PD_CLK = 1
13.10.3 Sigma-delta DAC Enable Sequence
Step1: DAC Digital Enable (DAC_EN_IN = 1)
Step2: MCLK Output Enable (MCLKOEN = 1 and I2S Enable)
Step3: DAC Analog Enable (Sigma-delta DAC Power-Up Sequence)