animeo KNX 4 AC MoCo · REF. 5071074 -
Type of contact input A
Selection options:
Normally open
Normally closed
Over this parameter it is defined which type of contact is at the local input A. Normally open: The contact at the local input is activated
closed and not activated opened. Normally closed: The contact at the local input is activated opened and not activated closed.
Type of contact input B
Selection options:
Normally open
Normally closed
Over this parameter it is defined which type of contact is at the local input B. Normally open: The contact at the local input is activated
closed and not activated opened. Normally closed: The contact at the local input is activated opened and not activated closed.
Basic function
Selection options:
Venetian blinds UP / DOWN
Switch/Dry contact
8-Bit value (rising edge)
Edge evaluation contact A
Selection options:
Rising ON, falling OFF
Rising OFF, falling ON
Rising ON
Falling ON
Rising OFF
Falling OFF
Rising toggle
Falling toggle
Rising toggle, falling toggle
No evaluation
The corresponding object value "0" or "1" is generated depending on which edge evaluation is parametered.
On ("1")
Off ("0")
Toggle ("1/0")
"Push button binary input 1 ... 4"