animeo KNX 4 AC MoCo · REF. 5071074 -
Contact A und B
Cyclic sending of status
Selection options:
No cyclic sending
ON and OFF
With this parameter it is defined whether the corresponding switch value of the communication object should be transmitted cyclically.
No cyclic sending
The switching value of the communication object is not transmitted cyclically.
If the object value is "1", this is transmitted cyclically. If the object value changes by edge change at the local input or reception of a telegram
on "0", the cyclic sending stops.
If the object value is "0", this is transmitted cyclically. If the object value changes by edge change at the local input or reception of a telegram
on "0", the cyclic sending stops after "1".
ON and OFF
If the object value is "1" or "0", this is transmitted cyclically. If the object value changes by edge change at the local input or with reception
of a telegramme, the current object value is transmitted cyclically.
Cyclic sending in seconds (1 - 3600)
Selection options:
1 - 3600
With this parameter the time intervals are defined in which the corresponding object value should be transmitted cyclically.
Please note that cyclical supervision time of the receiver is approx. 1/4 higher than that of the transmitter.