Safety Notes
9.6 Common Cautions for Computer system and Software
Never install Software not released by SNIBE
1. For keeping safety and correctness of the diagnostic results each
Laboratory has to define a hierarchie of Access Rights for the
Diagnostic System.
2.The instructions on “Host Connection” in the MAGLUMI
Instruction are to be followed.
3.The Host Program is not a device manufactured and therefore
not checked for compatibility with the MAGLUMI
System under the responsibility of SNIBE
There does no warrantee against data safety corruption exist.
10 Working Conditions of MAGLUMI
Operating voltage: Alternating voltage
100 – 120V
200 – 240 V
50 / 60 Hz
Power input: MAGLUMI
500 VA
PC system 400 VA
Compliance is required with the following ambient conditions
during operation of the MAGLUMI
Application within buildings (not for outdoor use)
Temperature ranges :
Equipment safety maintained in the range
5° - 45°C
Reliability of measurements maintained in
the range 15° - 35°C
11 Warning Labels on MAGLUMI
Potential Danger that can cause death or serious deterioration of
the state of health of the User. Read Operating Instruction
Page 12
Operating instructions