Flushing Fixing Panels
It is possible to flush fix the control panel, with or without the battery box,
and the repeat panel. The following does not cover the battery unit in detail,
however the method is the same.
Identify the package labelled FLUSH MOUNTING FOR CONTROL
PANEL (78500-29NM) or REPEAT PANEL (78600-29NM) and
check the shroud. The battery unit is flush mounted by using a
COMBINED (78510-29NM) shroud, which is also used for the
control panel.
Cut out an aperture in the wall to allow the flush shroud is to be fitted.
CAUTION: The panel back box may be flushed no more than
92mm maximum (for full 180
door opening).
Use the shroud fixing holes to secure it to the wall.
NOTE: The combined shroud must be mounted the correct way up -
look for the ‘TOP’ sign on the shroud.
Continue with the control or repeat panel installation instructions.
Figure 6-9 Flush fixing the Control or Repeat Panel
Standalone System Installation
Flushing Fixing Panels
78910-03NM Issue 2_10/96
Senator II Installation Manual