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Air Drill Straight


Entanglement Hazards

•  Choking, scalping and/or lacerations can occur if loose clothing, personal 

jewellery, neck wear, hair or gloves are not kept away from the tool and 
its accessories

Operating Hazards

•  Use of the tool can expose the operator’s hands to hazards, including 

cuts, abrasions and heat

•  Wear suitable gloves to protect hands
•  Operators and maintenance personnel should be physically able to 

handle the bulk, weight and power of the tool

•  Hold the tool correctly; be ready to counteract normal or sudden 

movements and have both hands available

•  Maintain a balanced body position and secure footing
•  Release the start-and-stop device in the case of an interruption of the 

energy supply

•  Use only lubricants recommended by the manufacturer
•  Personal protective safety glasses should be used; suitable gloves and 

protective clothing are recommended

•  Avoid direct contact with moving parts in order to prevent pinching or 

cutting of hands or other body parts. Wear suitable gloves to protect 

•  Never start or stop the tool when the tool or accessory is in contact to 

the workpiece

•  There is a risk of electrostatic discharge if used on plastic and other 

non-conductive materials

•  Potentially explosive atmospheres can be caused by dust and fumes 

resulting from sanding or grinding

•  Always use dust extraction or suppression systems which are suitable for 

the material being processed

Repetitive Motions Hazards

•  When using this tool to perform work-related activities, the operator can 

experience discomfort in the hands, arms, shoulders, neck or other parts 
of the body

•  While using this tool, the operator should adopt a comfortable posture 

whilst maintaining secure footing and avoiding awkward or off-balance 
postures. The operator should change posture during extended tasks; this 
can help avoid discomfort and fatigue

•  If the operator experiences symptoms such as persistent or recurring 

discomfort, pain, throbbing, aching, tingling, numbness, burning 
sensations or stiffness, these warning signs should not be ignored. 
The operator should inform the employer and consult a qualified health 

Accessory Hazards

•  Disconnect the tool from the energy supply before fitting or changing the 

inserted tool or accessory

•  Avoid direct contact with the inserted tool during and after use, as it can 

be hot or sharp

•  Use only sizes and types of accessories and consumables that are 

recommended by the manufacturer of this tool; do not use other types or 
sizes of accessories or consumables

•  Check that the maximum operating speed of the inserted tool is higher 

than the rated speed of the tool

Workplace Hazards

•  Slips, trips and falls are major causes of workplace injury. Be aware 

of slippery surfaces caused by use of the tool and also of trip hazards 
caused by the air line or hydraulic hose

•  This tool is not intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and 

is not insulated against contact with electric power

•  Ensure that there are no electrical cables, gas pipes, etc., which can 

cause a hazard if damaged by use of the tool

Dust and Fume Hazards

•  Dust and fumes generated when using this tool can cause ill health 

(for example cancer, birth defects, asthma and/or dermatitis); risk 
assessment and implementation of appropriate controls for these 
hazards are essential

•  Risk assessment should include dust created by the use of the tool and 

the potential for disturbing existing dust

•  Operate and maintain this tool as recommended in these instructions, to 

minimise dust or fume emissions

•  Direct the exhaust so as to minimise disturbance of dust in a dust-filled 


•  Where dust or fumes are created, the priority should be to control them 

at the point of emission

•  All integral features or accessories for the collection, extraction or 

suppression of airborne dust or fumes should be correctly used and 
maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions

•  Select, maintain and replace the consumable/inserted tool as 

recommended in the instruction handbook, to prevent an unnecessary 
increase in dust or fumes

•  Use respiratory protection in accordance with employer’s instructions and 

as required by occupational health and safety regulations

Noise Hazards

•  Exposure to high noise levels can cause permanent, disabling hearing 

loss and other problems, such as tinnitus (ringing, buzzing, whistling or 
humming in the ears). Therefore, risk assessment and implementation of 
appropriate controls for these hazards are essential

•  Appropriate controls to reduce the risk can include actions such as 

damping materials to prevent workpieces from ‘ringing’

•  Use hearing protection in accordance with employer’s instructions and as 

required by occupational health and safety regulations

•  Operate and maintain this tool as recommended in the instruction 

handbook, to prevent an unnecessary increase in the noise level

•  Select, maintain and replace the consumable/inserted tool as 

recommended in the instruction handbook, to prevent an unnecessary 
increase in noise

•  If the tool has a silencer, always ensure it is in place and in good working 

order when the tool is being operated

Vibration Hazards

This information shall draw attention to vibration hazards that have not been 
eliminated by design and construction and remain as residual vibration 
risks. It shall enable employers to identify the circumstances in which the 
operator is likely to be at risk from vibration exposure If the vibration-
emission value obtained using ISO 28927-3 does not adequately represent 
the vibration emission in the intended uses (and foreseeable misuses) of the 
machine, additional information and/or warnings shall be supplied to enable 
the risks arising from vibration to be assessed and managed.
•  Exposure to vibration can cause disabling damage to the nerves and 

blood supply of the hands and arms

•  Wear warm clothing when working in cold conditions and keep your 

hands warm and dry

•  If you experience numbness, tingling, pain or whitening of the skin in 

your fingers or hands, stop using the machine, inform your employer and 
consult a physician

•  Operate and maintain the machine as recommended in the instruction 

handbook, to prevent an unnecessary increase in vibration levels

•  Hold the tool with a light but safe grip, taking account of the required 

hand reaction forces, because the risk from vibration is generally greater 
when the grip force is higher

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Summary of Contents for 793759

Page 1: ...liqu es 3 Jahre Garantie Innerhalb von 30 Tagen online registrieren Es gelten die Allgemeinen Gesch ftsbedingungen 3 a os de garant a Registre su producto online durante los primeros 30 d as Se aplica...

Page 2: ...linetools com Air Drill Straight 10mm AIR S ILVERLIN E R A N G E Air Drill Straight Perceuse pneumatique droite Druckluft Geradebohrmaschine Taladro neum tico recto Trapano pneumatico dirrito Pneumati...

Page 3: ...2 1 5 3 2 4...

Page 4: ...www silverlinetools com 3 English 4 Fran ais 10 Deutsch 16 Espa ol 22 Italiano 28 Nederlands 34 Air Drill Straight 10mm AIR S ILVERLI N E R A N G E...

Page 5: ...Modifications can reduce the effectiveness of safety measures and increase the risks to the operator Do not discard the safety instructions give them to the operator Do not use this tool if it has be...

Page 6: ...Fume Hazards Dust and fumes generated when using this tool can cause ill health for example cancer birth defects asthma and or dermatitis risk assessment and implementation of appropriate controls for...

Page 7: ...talled and whipcheck safety cables should be used to safeguard against possible hose to tool or hose to hose connection failure Do not exceed the maximum air pressure stated on the tool Never carry an...

Page 8: ...residual pressure after use Always bleed air pressure from the tool after shutting off air supply Accessories Accessories for this tool including drill and countersink bits wire cup brushes and more a...

Page 9: ...Blockage in gauze mesh filter Remove Quick Connector and clean mesh filter Tool seized Dirt or rust in mechanism Try Tool operating slowly solutions Dirt or rust in mechanism Tap tool gently with a s...

Page 10: ...arantee shall be corrected by means of repair of the tool free of charge excluding carriage charges or by replacement with a tool in perfect working order Retained tools or parts for which a replaceme...

Page 11: ...respecter les consignes peut engendrer de s rieuses blessures corporelles Seule une personne qualifi e et form e peut assembler r gler et utiliser la cet outil N apporter aucune modification sur cet...

Page 12: ...pourraient tre occasionn s par le tuyau d air et tuyau hydraulique Cet outil n est pas con u pour tre utilis e en milieu atmosph re potentiellement explosif et n est pas isolante contre le contact av...

Page 13: ...les forets soient bien fix s dans le mandrin Les forets mal ins r s peuvent tre ject s de la machine et repr sentent un danger Avant de commencer le travail v rifiez toujours que la m che ou le burin...

Page 14: ...pareil Remarque L chappement d air se trouve en bas de la poign e Pendant l utilisation l air s chappera donc c t de du raccord de l arriv e d air ATTENTION De l air comprim r siduel peut rester dans...

Page 15: ...g gaze Retirez le raccord rapide et nettoyez le filtre Outil gripp Salet ou rouille dans le m canisme Essayez les solutions de lenteur de fonctionnement Salet ou rouille dans le m canisme Frappez l g...

Page 16: ...par son remplacement par un outil en parfait tat de fonctionnement Les pi ces ou les outils remplac s deviendront la propri t de Silverline Tools La r paration ou le remplacement de votre produit sou...

Page 17: Arbeitsplatz www osha europa eu Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise Lesen Sie diese Sicherheitshinweise zur Vermeidung unterschiedlicher Gefahrenquellen aufmerksam durch bevor Sie dieses Werkzeug insta...

Page 18: ...nale wie bleibendes oder wiederauftretendes Unbehagen akutes oder anhaltendes Schmerzgef hl Pochen Kribbeln Taubheit Brennen oder Versteifungen d rfen nicht ignoriert werden Der Arbeitgeber muss umgeh...

Page 19: ...erwendet werden Bediener m ssen im Gebrauch des Ger tes geschult und mit den Sicherheitsvorschriften vertraut sein Verwenden Sie beim Betrieb des Ger tes Schutzausr stung einschlie lich Schutzbrille o...

Page 20: ...dass der Bohrer bzw das Einsatzwerkzeug mittig l uft Wiederholen Sie bei Bedarf die obigen Schritte zur Korrektur der Bohrerposition im Spannfutter Rechts Linkslauf Stellen Sie den Drehrichtungsumsch...

Page 21: ...Blockade zu beseitigen Luftaustritt Alle Verschraubungen und Schlauch auf Undichtigkeit pr fen und Leckagen durch Nachziehen Verwendung von PTFE Band oder Ersetzen der Teile beseitigen Blockade im Sie...

Page 22: oder Fertigungsfehler handelt Versandkosten werden nicht zur ckerstattet Alle Artikel sollten sich in sauberem und sicherem Zustand befinden und sorgf ltig verpackt zur Reparatur eingeschickt werde...

Page 23: esta herramienta Las modificaciones pueden reducir la eficacia y la seguridad e incrementar el riesgo de sufrir lesiones personales No tire las instrucciones de funcionamiento d selas al usuario No...

Page 24: ...problemas de salud por ejemplo c ncer defectos de gen ticos asma y dermatitis la evaluaci n y los controles apropiados para esos riesgos son esenciales Eval e los riesgos analizando la cantidad de po...

Page 25: ...impurezas y restos met licos Nunca se distraiga desconecte siempre la herramienta antes de realizar otra acci n Siempre que sea posible utilice mecanismos de sujeci n Desenchufe siempre la herramienta...

Page 26: ...empre la herramienta despu s de desconectarla del suministro de aire comprimido Accesorios Existen gran variedad de accesorios incluidos brocas brocas avellanadoras cepillos de alambre etc para esta h...

Page 27: ...Retire el conector r pido 3 y limpie el filtro de la malla Herramienta atrancada Suciedad u xido en el mecanismo Intente las soluciones de La herramienta funciona despacio Suciedad u xido en el mecan...

Page 28: ...i n o sustituci n del producto no prolongar el periodo de garant a Si los defectos est n cubiertos por la garant a la herramienta ser reparada sin cargo alguno salvo los gastos de env o o bien la sust...

Page 29: ...a prima di installare utilizzare riparare eseguire la manutenzione sostituire gli accessori o lavorare vicino questo utensile La mancanza di eseguire queste istruzioni pu provocare gravi lesioni Solo...

Page 30: ...lamento inciampamento e cadute sono le principali cause di infortuni sul lavoro Essere consapevoli di superfici scivolose causati dall uso dello strumento e anche di rischi di viaggio causati dalla li...

Page 31: ...funzionamento lasciare raffreddare prima di maneggiarli Non usare mai le mani per rimuovere segatura trucioli o sporcizia vicino la punta Se si viene interrotti durante l uso del trapano completare l...

Page 32: ...NE Tenere presente che gli strumenti ad aria possono tenere pressione residua dopo l uso Spurgare sempre la pressione dell aria dall utensile dopo aver spento l alimentazione dell aria Accessori Acces...

Page 33: ...e rapido 3 e filtro a rete pulito Strumento sequestrato Sporcizia o ruggine nel meccanismo Prova le soluzioni per Strumento opera lentamente Sporcizia o ruggine nel meccanismo Toccare strumento delica...

Page 34: ...ende o rinnova il periodo di garanzia Nel caso in cui determini che il prodotto e il difetto riscontrato sono coperti dalla garanzia Silverline Tools provveder a riparare l utensile gratuitamente escl...

Page 35: ...oor gekwalificeerde getrainde personen ge nstalleerd aangepast of gebruikt worden Modificeer de machine niet Modificaties verminderen de effectiviteit van veiligheidsmaatregelen en vergroten het risic...

Page 36: ...skabels gasleidingen etc Stof en damp gevaren Stoffen en dampen zijn schadelijk voor de gezondheid en leiden mogelijk tot gezondheidsproblemen als kanker zwangerschaps geboorteproblemen astma en of hu...

Page 37: ...uik van klemmen of bankschroeven voor het klemmen van het werkstuk Ontkoppel de machine van de luchttoevoer voordat bits gewisseld worden Controleer de span kop regelmatig op tekenen van slijtage en o...

Page 38: ...ucht uit de uitlaat ontsnappen WAARSCHUWING Pneumatische machines bevatten mogelijk achtergebleven luchtdruk Verwijder deze luchtdruk nadat de luchttoevoer is uitgeschakeld Accessoires Accessoires als...

Page 39: ...snelkoppeling en maak de filter schoon De machine loopt vast Vuil of roest in het mechanisme Probeer oplossingen De machine werkt op een lage snelheid Vuil of roest in het mechanisme Klop licht op de...

Page 40: ...sten of door vervanging door een gereedschap in perfecte staat van werking De ingehouden gereedschappen of onderdelen die zijn vervangen worden het eigendom van Silverline Tools De reparatie of vervan...
