Office: Vlarska 22, 627 00 Brno, CZ
T:+420 533 338 854 l F:+420 533 338 883 l
5, 7-9, 12.
<path_cost>: 0~200000000
For example:
SWH(config-stp)# path-cost 1-4,10-15,18,19
priority <port_list> <priority>
To specify each port’s priority.
<port_list>: Specify a port number or multiple
port numbers with the format 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 or
5, 7-9, 12
<priority>: 0:0 1:16 2:32 3:48 4:64 5:80
6:96 7:112 8:128 9:144 10:160 11:176
12:192 13:208 14:224 15:240
For example:
SWH(config-stp)# priority 1-4,10-15,18,19 8
edge <port_list> <enable | disable>
To enable or disable port edge. Edge ports
are determined by their locations and are
connected to end devices such as hosts. If
you want ports to be edge ports, set them to
enable. The default setting to all ports is
disabled and will not receive BPDU.
<port_list>: Specify a port number or multiple
port numbers with the format 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 or
5, 7-9, 12.
For example:
SWH(config-stp)# edge 1-4,10-15,18,19
NOTE1: For each port, the fields for “Edge”
and “Point to point” can not be enabled at the
same time. In other words, when the port’s
“Edge” is enabled, “Point to point” must be set
to disabled.
NOTE2: If you choose STP as the current
running version, you can not enable ports to
be edge ports or point to point ports. The
fields for “Edge” and “Point to point” become
selectable when you select RSTP.
p2p <port_list> <enable | disable>
To enable or disable p2p ports. If the port link
is connected to another STP device. You can
enable its point to point setting. The default
setting to all ports is disabled.
<port_list>: Specify a port number or multiple
port numbers with the format 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 or
5, 7-9, 12.
For example:
p2p 1-4,10-15,18,19 enable
Quit the current mode and return to
Configuration mode.
Show or verify currently-configured Rapid
Spanning Tree settings.