Building Technologies
Modular Heating Controller RMH760B
HVAC Products
5 General functions, fundamentals
Load reduction via critical or uncritical locking signals
The type of locking signals to be generated can be parameterized
Shifting DHW priority
(if the boiler temperature setpoint is not reached during DHW
heating, the amount of heat drawn by the heating circuits will be restricted):
Load reduction via uncritical locking signals
Absolute DHW priority
(DHW heating is given priority over the heating circuits; the
heating circuits will not be allowed to draw any heat):
Load reduction via uncritical locking signals
An example where load increase is called for is overtemperature protection (pump
overrun, mixing valve overrun).
With pump / mixing valve overrun, the heat consumers are requested to draw heat at
the same level for a certain period of time (overrun time) although they do not demand
more heat. Overrun is typically triggered by a boiler after the burner has been shut
down in order to prevent overtemperatures in the boiler.
On the heat consumers, it can be selected if and to what extent they shall respond to
the different load control signals.
Heating circuits and DHW circuits always respond to critical locking signals. DHW
respond to uncritical locking signals.
Main menu > Commissioning > Settings > …
Main menu > Settings > Heating circuit 1
> Mixing circuit controller
Operating line
Factory setting
Response uncrit locking signals
Yes / No
Locking signal gain*
0…200 %
100 %
Main menu > Commissioning > Settings > …
Main menu > Settings > DHW > Controller primary circuit
Main menu > Settings > Main controller > Mixing circuit controller
Main menu > Settings > Primary controller > Mixing circuit controller
Operating line
Factory setting
Locking signal gain*
0…200 %
100 %
* Locking signal gain applies to both critical and uncritical locking signals
For the main controller and the primary controller, setting “Response to uncritical
locking signals” is not required. Both
respond to uncritical locking signals be-
cause the associated hydraulic actuating devices shall be able to respond depending
on the situation.
This locking signal gain is adjustable between 0 and 200 %.
0 %
Locking signal will be ignored
100 %
Locking signal will be adopted 1-to-1
200 %
Locking signal will be doubled
This enables the heat consumer’s responses to be matched to the locking signals.
If the heat consumer responds too promptly, the value must be decreased; if it re-
sponds too slowly, the value must be increased.
Ventilation controller and individual room control do not respond to locking signals and
forced signals.
With absolute DHW priority, it is to be noted that this signal is always given priority and
that it defines the resulting setpoint.
Example of load increase
Heating circuits
Primary controller
Setting note
Ventilation controller,
individual room control
Note on DHW priority