Building Technologies
Modular Heating Controller RMH760B
HVAC Products
12 Function block miscellaneous
outside temperature zone set. An outside temperature zone identified by “----“ means
that the outside temperature on the bus is inactive.
To enable different outside temperature signals to be distributed via bus (e.g. outside
temperature for heating zone North, outside temperature for heating zone South), they
must be assigned to own outside temperature zones. For the required settings, refer to
section 14.6 “Weather data”.
Main menu > Commissioning > Communication > Distribution zones
Operating line
Factory setting
Outside temperature zone
----/ 1…31
The RMH760B is supplied with the outside temperature zones activated. This means
that only one outside sensor need be connected and the outside temperature is used
throughout the controller.
If heating circuits 2 and 3 shall be operated with their own outside sensors, the sensors
must be configured to free terminals and outside temperature zones must be switched
inactive or set in different zones.
If 2 or more RMH760B are interconnected via bus and each of them is equipped with
an outside sensor, the controllers send per default the outside temperature in the same
outside temperature zone. This will lead to a communication error with all controllers:
Number Text
>1 outside temp sensor
HC 1
Nonurgent message; must not be acknowl-
To solve the problem, the outside temperature zones of the different controllers can be
set to different values, or the outside sensors can be removed from all controllers
except one so that all controllers will work with one common sensor.
12.3.1 Outside temperature simulation
To test the plant’s response, the outside temperature can be simulated and the meas-
ured value of the outside temperature can be overridden. Simulation is always possible,
independent of whether the outside temperature is received via bus or acquired locally.
Main menu > Miscellaneous > Inputs
Operating line
Factory setting
Outside temperature simulation
---- / –50.0…50.0 °C
Simulation of the outside temperature in heating circuits 1, 2 and 3 is possible under
Main menu > Heating circuit 1
> Inputs/setpoints
During the simulation, the simulated outside temperature is also used for the composite
and the attenuated outside temperature.
The simulation is not automatically ended (no supervision of time-out!)
The inputs should only be overridden by qualified staff and for a limited period of
time only!
During the simulation, fault status message “Outside sensor simulation active” appears.
This message is displayed until the outside temperature simulation is reset to "----".
This is to make certain that the plant will not be quit without ending the simulation.
When leaving the simulation, the attenuated outside temperature will be set to the
current outside temperature. Then, it can take one or 2 days for the plant to adapt
The simulated outside temperature will only be used locally. It is
forwarded to
other controllers via bus; the temperature transmitted is still the measured value of
the connected outside sensor
Communication per de-