[scoffpow-060712-01.tif, 1, en_US]
Figure 5-25
Offline Tree Window for PowerLink
PowerSys Startup Parameter
For an easier and dedicated access to a PowerLink or SWT 3000 device with remote connection, it should be
possible to start up PowerSys with predefined connection parameters (e.g. target IP address). Thus, PowerSys
can be used in Network Management System (NMS) for direct individual device connection by double-clicking
a PowerLink or SWT 3000 device icon. PowerSys application can be opened and connected to a device from
NMS automatically.
The connection information can be shown in the PowerSys status bar.
The new content includes:
IP address, COM port number or RM address
Device name
User level
SSL Encryption (if used)
Startup Parameter Configuration
The usage of PowerSys startup command line is as below.
Table 5-4
Startup commands
PowerSys_35110.exe [/P | /F] [IP address],[user level],[password],[RM address],[SSL Encryption]
Startup Command
Startup parameter is read from command line
Startup parameter is read from configuration file "StartupPara.txt", which is
located at:
<PowerSys Installation Path>\PowerSys\<version>\StartupPara.txt
IP address
IP address used to connect to the target. This is a mandatory parameter.
PowerSys and Auxiliary Software Tools
5.2 PowerSys Startup
Smart Communication, SWT 3000 Teleprotection, Equipment Manual
C53000-G6040-C605-1, Edition 03.2020