MemTool always starts with the last used target selection. If the upgrade fails, check that the target (in
menu bar Target > Change) and the file selection (in menu bar File > Open) correspond to the device
physically connected.. For SWT 3000 is the target SWT 3000-PU4 and the file AllInOne_PU4_Px.y.z.jnk.
Select the target and file of the devices as follows:
For PowerLink is the target PowerLink-CSPi and the file AllInOne_CSPi_Px.y.z.jnk.
For PowerLink-vMUX is the target PowerLink-vMUX and the file AllInOne_VMUX_Px.y.z.jnk.
For SWT 3000 is the target SWT 3000-PU4 and the file AllInOne_PU4_Px.y.z.jnk.
If there is a wrong combination, repeat the download after correcting the selection.
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PowerSys Release Upgrade Check
After downloading the firmware to SWT 3000 with MemTool, connect the service PC as follows:
For SWT 3000 stand-alone, connect the service PC to the front USB connector of the PU4 module.
For iSWT, connect the service PC to to the PowerLink RM-1 interface.
Select in the Options menu Connection > User Level > Admin and start the service program PowerSys.
Different FW release between the device and the FW release of the actual service program causes the activa-
tion of the update screen.
[scfwdwnl-261011-01.tif, 1, en_US]
Figure 5-51
PowerSys FW Release Download
The FW release in the device (current release, displayed as second value) and the release of the actual service
program PowerSys (new release, displayed as first value) are displayed. Verify the PowerSys current and new
release and click Yes for updating the release information in the device..
For more information about the FW release check, refer to
This PowerSys upgrade check is carried out during each connection between service program PowerSys and
the device. Only the Admin user level is permitted to update the release information in the device.
PowerSys and Auxiliary Software Tools
5.5 PU4 Firmware Upgrade with Mem Tool
Smart Communication, SWT 3000 Teleprotection, Equipment Manual
C53000-G6040-C605-1, Edition 03.2020