PXL Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel
2. Remove the nuts, flat washers, and lock washers (4 places) from
the PMK-1 bracket. Remove the bracket from the enclosure.
3. Remove knockouts in the backbox where field wiring is required.
4. Hold the empty enclosure against the wall at the designated
5. Mark drill points on the wall in the center of the two slots on the
upper rear of the box (Refer to Figure 2).
6. Drill the two holes and screw in the top bolts, leaving a small gap
between the wall and each top bolt.
7. Mount the enclosure on the two bolts and then install the bottom
8. Tighten all bolts securely against the back wall of the enclosure.
Figure 3
Removing the PMK-1 Bracket from the PSE-1
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