Siemens AG 6SE7087-6AK85-1AA0
Rectifier/Regenerating Unit Operating Instructions
Alarm A083
(Error Warning)
Errored telegrams are being received or sent and the error counter on the supplementary board has
exceeded the alarm limit.
Errored telegrams are ignored. The data most recently transferred remain valid. If the errored telegrams
contain process data, fault message F082 with fault value 10 may be activated as a function of the
telegram failure time set in P695. No fault message is generated for PKW data.
Alarm A084
(Bus Off)
Errored telegrams are being received or sent and the error counter on the supplementary board has
exceeded the fault limit.
Errored telegrams are ignored. The data most recently transferred remain valid. If the errored telegrams
contain process data, fault message F082 with fault value 10 may be activated as a function of the
telegram failure time set in P695. No fault message is generated for PKW data.
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