Sauter flexotron®800
Manual / Auto
Manual / Auto
In this menu the running mode of all the configured output signals and a number of
control functions can be manually controlled. This is a very handy feature which
simplifies the checking of individual functions in the flexotron® 800.
The running mode for the whole unit is set in the menu "Running mode". See section
The supply air controller's output signal can be manually set (Manual/Auto) to any value
between 0 and 100 %. The temperature output signals will change accordingly if they
are in "Auto" mode. It is also possible to manually control each of the temperature
output signals individually.
All the configured digital outputs can be set to "Auto", "Off" or "On".
Since leaving any of the outputs in manual control will disrupt the normal control, an
alarm will be generated as soon as any output is set to a manual mode.
Since the menus vary according to the configuration of the outputs only the most
common ones will be shown here. For the digital signals you can normally choose
between "Auto" and "On" and "Off" or similar words indicating the two possible manual
states of the digital output.
Supply air controller running mode
Can be set to "Auto", "On" or "Off". In manual "On" mode the output signal can be set
0…100 %. The outputs "Y1", "Y2" and "Y3", if in "Auto" mode, will follow the signal
according to the set split values.
Supply temp contr.
Manual set: 42.0
Start signal "SAF" and "EAF"
Can be set to manual 1/1-speed, manual 1/2-speed and off. Manual 1/2-speed is not
valid for single speed fans.
With pressure controlled fans you get the following menu: Can be set to "Auto",
"Manual normal", "Manual reduced", "Manual" and "Off". In "Manual" mode the output
signal can be set 0…10 V.
Pressure SAF: Auto
Manual set: 0.0
EAF: Auto
Manual set: 0.0