2. Text mode:
three letters correspond to each numeric key (see: Fig. 27);
pressing the key means entering the middle letter;
pressing in turn the numeric key and [*] means entering the letter on the left-hand side
of the given key;
pressing in turn the numeric key and [#] means entering the letter on the right-hand
side of the given key;
pressing the [0] key means entering a space,
pressing in turn the [0] and [*] keys means entering a dash;
pressing the [1] key means entering a dot,
pressing in turn the [0] and [#] keys means switching over to the numeric mode.
The message will be sent on pressing the [#] key when the module is in the numeric mode.
Fig. 27. Assignment of alphanumeric characters to telephone keypad.
In order to send an SMS message:
1. Lift the receiver of the telephone connected to the telephone line output.
2. Dial the pager station number programmed in the module (see: "PAGER tel. No" p. 28),
and then the telephone number to which the SMS message is to be sent. The number
should be dialed as soon as possible, without time gaps between the successive digits
(the country prefix should be entered depending on whether it has been programmed by
means of the "Prefix for SMS" function).
3. Two beeps will be generated by the module to acknowledge the number, if correctly
received. No acknowledgement or a busy signal mean a dialing error and the necessity to
restart the procedure (to make it easier, you can use the "Redial" key).
4. Enter the message according to the above described rules (the time of module waiting for
entering the next characters is not limited).
The SMS message sent from a landline telephone set can contain up to 62
alphanumeric characters.
Hanging-up when the text is being entered will terminate the SMS message sending