Activating / deactivating output
1. Press and hold down for about 1 second the button with number corresponding to the
given output. If the output is inactive, it will be activated, and if it is active, it will be
2. Information on the output status will be displayed and the module will generate a suitable
sound (see section "Audible signaling in the module" p. 13).
7.2.2 From the keypad of telephone connected to telephone line output
Define which inputs are to be bypassed manually (see: "IN1–4 bps.manual." p. 35).
Define the outputs whose status can be changed by means of the telephone connected to
the telephone line output (see: "OTs to control" p. 36).
Program the six-digit code to allow the local bypassing / unbypassing of inputs and
activating / deactivating of outputs (see: "Control" p. 35).
To use the control:
1. Lift the handset and, using the telephone keypad, enter the control code (see: "Control"
p. 35). The module will confirm its validity generating 4 short beeps and 1 long beep.
2. Press the [*] key and the keys corresponding to the 2 digits:
the first digit
is, respectively:
1 - bypass input,
2 - unbypass input,
3 - check input status (in response, the device will generate beeps):
1 short beep
– input unbypassed,
3 long beeps
– input bypassed.
4 - enable output(s),
5 - disable output(s),
6 - check output status (in response, the device will generate beeps):
1 short beep
– output disabled,
2 short beeps
– output enabled.
the second digit
is the number of input (1...4) / output (1...3) or all inputs / outputs (0).
3. Execution of the control command will be confirmed with 3 short beeps. If the command is
wrong, the module will generate 2 long beeps.
4. Repeat the step 2 operations if the control is to be continued.
5. Hang up to terminate the control.
7.3 Control from Dload10 program
1. Select the "Communication" command on the menu bar to open the menu.
2. Select the "On-line" function in the menu. Alternatively, from the program main window
level, press simultaneously the Ctrl+I keys or click on the
3. The "IN/OT" window will be displayed.
4. Select, using the "Bypass / Unbypass" button, which input is to be bypassed /
5. Select, using the "On / Off" button, which output is to be activated / deactivated.