Transfer unknown SMS [Fwd.unknown SMS]
– the module can forward the received
unknown SMS messages (e.g. information received from the GSM provider) to:
telephone numbers to which the messaging is realized (see: "Tel.1–4 for mess."
telephone number to which the SMS message is sent with acknowledgement that the
SMS control has been executed (see: "SMS acknowl. No" p. 35).
In service mode, a string of five characters is defined (using the NEXT button to select the
next character, and using the CHANGE button to enable / disable forwarding):
1. character – 1. telephone number for messaging (1 – forwarding enabled; – forwarding
2. character – 2. telephone number for messaging (2 – forwarding enabled; – forwarding
3. character – 3. telephone number for messaging (3 – forwarding enabled; – forwarding
4. character – 4. telephone number for messaging (4 – forwarding enabled; – forwarding
5. character – telephone number to confirm SMS control (I – forwarding enabled;
- forwarding disabled).
The message content is preceded by the telephone number from which it was sent. For
the modules with built-in GSM u-blox LEON-G100 telephone, the message content will be
sent in the form of 2 messages, if it contains more than 160 characters, including the
message number. For the modules with built-in other telephone model, up to 64 first
characters of the received message can be sent.
6.2.9 "Tel. messaging" tab
Further information on the messaging can be found in section "Starting the
messaging" p. 55.
Messaging options
Messaging priority [Mess. priority]
– if this option is enabled, when during the telephone
connection of device connected to the telephone line output and an event occurs which is
to be messaged by the module, the connection will be terminated. If this option is disabled,
the messaging will only be realized when the device connected to the telephone line
output completes the call.
Messaging sounds [Mess. sounds]
– if this option is enabled, the module will generate a
sequence of sounds every 2 seconds during voice messaging to signal the following
1 short beep
– violation of input 1,
2 short beeps
– violation of input 2,
3 short beeps
– violation of input 3,
4 short beeps
– violation of input 4,
2 short and 1 long beep
– activation of output OT4,
1 long, 1 short beep
– IN1 input restore,
1 long, 2 short beeps
– IN2 input restore,
1 long, 3 short beeps
– IN3 input restore,
1 long, 4 short beeps
– IN4 input restore,
1 long, 1 short, 1 long beep
– OT4 output status restore to normal,
2 long beeps
– test transmission.