6.2.11 "Reporting – inputs" tab
.2.11 "Reporting – inputs" tab
The module can report to the monitoring station in the following situations:
The module can report to the monitoring station in the following situations:
inputs 1...4 violation (service mode functions: "IN1 viol. code" ... "IN4 viol. code");
inputs 1...4 violation (service mode functions: "IN1 viol. code" ... "IN4 viol. code");
inputs 1...4 restore (service mode functions: "IN1 rest. code"..."IN4 rest. code");
inputs 1...4 restore (service mode functions: "IN1 rest. code"..."IN4 rest. code");
telephone line trouble (service mode function: "TL trouble code");
telephone line trouble (service mode function: "TL trouble code");
telephone line restore (service mode function: "TL restore code").
telephone line restore (service mode function: "TL restore code").
Additionally, the test transmission can be send (service mode function: "Test trans.code").
Additionally, the test transmission can be send (service mode function: "Test trans.code").
In the D
10 program, the following parameters should be programmed for each event:
In the D
10 program, the following parameters should be programmed for each event:
– check the field, if the event is to be sent to the monitoring station 1. Double click to
check / uncheck the field.
– check the field, if the event is to be sent to the monitoring station 1. Double click to
check / uncheck the field.
– check the field, if the event is to be sent to the monitoring station 2. Double click to
check / uncheck the field.
– check the field, if the event is to be sent to the monitoring station 2. Double click to
check / uncheck the field.
– the format in which the event code will be sent. Double click to select: 4/2 (Ademco
Express) or CID (Contact ID).
– the format in which the event code will be sent. Double click to select: 4/2 (Ademco
Express) or CID (Contact ID).
– the event code which will be sent to the monitoring station. For the 4/2 format, 2
characters are to be programmed (digits or letters from A to F), and for Contact ID – 3
digits. In the case of Contact ID format, you can use the code editor. To open the window
of code editor, click on the
– the event code which will be sent to the monitoring station. For the 4/2 format, 2
characters are to be programmed (digits or letters from A to F), and for Contact ID – 3
digits. In the case of Contact ID format, you can use the code editor. To open the window
of code editor, click on the
button available in the event description field.
– the event qualifier for Contact ID format, which defines whether it is new event or restore.
Double click to check / uncheck the field. If the field is checked, the restore code is sent.
– partition number (refers to Contact ID format).
– number of zone / expander / user (refers to Contact ID format).
Event description
– the field used for the Contact ID format. It displays description of the
event whose code is entered in the "CODE" field. Additionally, the
button for opening
the Contact ID code editor is available in the field.
Fig. 22. "Reporting – inputs" tab (GSM-5 module).
In each function of the module service menu, the
c ddde ff ggg
sequence is
programmed, where:
a – station 1 ( - reporting enabled; - reporting disabled);
b – station 2 ( - reporting enabled; - reporting disabled);
c – reporting format (N – Ademco Express; C – Contact ID);
d – event code;