will connect to the computer whose address was given in the SMS message (the
computer address programmed in the GSM module will be ignored). If the control
command is correctly indicated in the SMS message, but the other data are incorrect,
then the address and port of the server with which communication is to be established
will be downloaded from the settings programmed in the module.
Fig. 13. "TCP/IP" window.
6.2.3 Main menu of
Fig. 14. Main menu of D
10 program.
Explanations for Figure 14:
1 - GSM module type.
2 - module firmware version (version number and build date).
3 - information on the status of communication between module and program.
4 - time and date according to the module clock. When logging into the network, the
module updates these data automatically, if the operator whose services are used by
the module offers such a function and the "Time from net." option is enabled.
5 - information on the analog telephone line status.
6 - information on the GSM telephone status (with the primary SIM card).
7 - level of signal received by the GSM antenna.
8 - information on the status of inputs and outputs (identical as on the module LCD display
– see p. 11).
Events – button opens the "Events buffer" tab.