Fig. 20. "Messaging" tab (GSM-5 module).
Test tr. with GSM status [SMS tst.w.state]
– if this option is enabled, it is possible to obtain
information on the module status, including the content of SMS message programmed for
the test transmission (see: SMS test" p. 39).
Test transmissions
The module test transmissions can be sent every defined time interval and also can be
triggered after identification of the calling party telephone number (CLIP). The test
transmission can be sent in the form of an SMS message to the selected telephone numbers,
can be realized by means of CLIP or voice message to the selected telephone numbers, and
can be also sent in the form of event code to the monitoring station.
Test transmission every [Test period]
– if the module test transmission is to be periodical
by nature, you must program every how many days, hours or minutes it is to be sent. The
first test transmission will be sent after the programmed time that has elapsed since saving
the settings to the module. Up to 31 days 23 hours 59 minutes can be programmed. The
values 00 mean there will be no test transmission.
First period random [1st test random]
– if this option is enabled, the first test transmission
will be made at a time randomly selected by the module. The next transmissions will take
place according to the period programmed using the "Test period" function.
Telephone numbers
Tel. Number 1–4 [Tel.1–4 for mess.]
– you can program up to 4 telephone numbers to
which the module will be able to send notification messages about the change of status of
inputs, OT4 output, as well as test transmissions. It is recommended that the telephone
number be preceded by the country code.