The generic information of the equipment is supplied in digital
format in a CD-ROM, and it includes among other documents
the own user's manual of the system and the EK266*08 docu-
ment concerning to
«Safety instructions»
. Before doing any
action over the equipment regarding installation or commis-
sioning, change of location, setting or handling, read them
This user's manual is intended to provide information regarding
the safety and to give explanations about the procedures for
the installation and operating of the equipment. Read them
carefully and follow the stated steps in the established order.
Compliance as regards to “Safety instructions“ is
mandatory, being the user the legal responsible
regarding to its observance and application.
The equipments are delivered duly labelled for the correct iden-
tification of any their parts, which combined with the instruc-
tions described in this user's manual, allows the end-user to
make any operating of both installation and commissioning, in
an easy and ordered way without doubt. When an equipment
differs from the one shown in figures of section 4, additional
annexes will be edited if they were deemed appropriate or nec-
essary. Generally, they will be delivered in hardcopy.
Finally, once the equipment is installed and operative, for future
requests or doubts that could arise, it is recommended to keep
the CD-ROM documentation in a safe place with easy access.
The following terms are used in the document indistinctly to
be referred to:
ADAPT, unit or UPS».- Uninterruptible Power Supply.
Depending on the context of the sentence, it can be re-
ferred either to the own equipment or to the equipment
with batteries, although all is assembled in one cabinet or
metallic enclosure.
».- Technical Service and Support.
client, fitter, operator or end-user
».- are used indis-
tinctly and by extension, to be referred to the fitter and/or
operator which will make the corresponding actions, being
responsible the same person about the actions to take on
behalf of himself.
In case of installations with IT neutral regime, the switches,
circuit breakers must break the NEUTRAL a part from the
three lines.
2.1.1. Conventions and used symbols.
Some symbols can be used and shown in the equipment and/or
in the description of this user's manual.
For more information, see section 1.1.1 of EK266*08 document
as regards to
«Safety instructions»