The options for each of the submenus are detailed below:
Submenu Name
Submenu Name
Date format setting
Three format: (a) year/month/day,(b) moth/date/year, (c) date/month/year
Time setting
Setting time
Current language
Language in use
Language selection
Simplified Chinese and English selectable (The setting taking action immediately after touching the
language icon)
Device Address
Setting the communication address
RS232 Protocol Selection
SNT Protocol, ModBus Protocol, YD/T Protocol and Dwin (For factory use)
Setting the baudrate of SNT, ModBus and YD/T
Modbus Mode
Setting mode for Modbus:ASCII and RTU selectable
Modbus parity
Setting the parity for Modbus
Output voltage Adjustment
Setting the Output Voltage
Bypass Voltage Up Limited
Up limited working Voltage for Bypass, se10%, +15%, +20%, +25%
Bypass Voltage Down Limited
Down limited working Voltage for Bypass, settable:-10%, -15%, -20%, -30%, -40%
Bypass Frequency Limited
Permitted working Frequency for BypassSettable, +-1Hz, +-3Hz, +-5Hz
Dust Filter Maintenance Period
Setting Dust Filter Maintenance Period
Battery Number
Setting the number of the battery (12V)
Battery Capacity
Setting of the AH of the battery
Float Charge Voltage/Cell
Setting the floating Voltage for battery cell (2V)
Boost Charge Voltage/Cell
Setting the boost Voltage for battery cell (2V)
EOD(End of charge) Voltage/Cell,@0.6C
EOD voltage for cell battery,@0.6C
EOD(End of charge) Voltage/
Cell,@0.15C Current
EOD voltage for cell battery,@0.15C
Charge Current Percent Limit
Charge current (percentage of the rated current)
Battery Temperature Compensate
Coefficient for battery temperature compensation
Boost Charge Time Limit
Setting boost charging time
Auto Boost Period
Setting the auto boost period
Auto Maintenance Discharge Period
Setting the period for auto maintenance discharge
System Mode
Setting the system mode: Single ,parallel, Single ECO, parallel ECO,LBS, parallel LBS
Configure the rated Parameter
For the factory use
Configure the system
For the factory use
Table 18.
Description of each submenu of Setting