System Description, Setup, and Quick Start
RTR-4 Operator’s Manual
SAIC Proprietary
120300 Rev. D
Setting up the RTR-4
There are two setup configurations for the standard RTR-4, the
wired configuration and the wireless configuration. There are
some positioning related issues that apply to all setups that the
operator must be aware of during the setup process.
Distance Adjustments
The distance between the source and the imager determines the
target X-ray illumination. Although a distance of approximately
50-100cm (20in-40in) between the X-ray source and imager is
recommended to provide a flat field image without sacrificing
penetrating power. This separation distance can be decreased to
penetrate thicker or denser materials, or increased to provide a
flatter field for very thin objects. Regardless of the distance
between the X-ray source and imager, it is usually better to place
the suspect object as close to the center of the imager as possible
to make the edges of objects sharper.
The further the suspect object is away from the imager and the
closer to the source, the larger its projected image, and the larger
its features appear in the acquired image. This can be used to
magnify small features, but will result in fuzzier edges. Objects
that are closer to the imager more closely reflect their true
Position Adjustments
The imager’s active area, denoted by the white rectangular
outline on the flat side of the imager (the face), should be
positioned as close as possible to the target object. The X-ray
source should be positioned approximately 50cm-100cm
(20in-40in) from the imager with its beam centered on and
perpendicular to the imager face. The imager is oriented so that it
is located as close to the ground as possible. The X-ray source is
set on the ground or in a slightly elevated position so the source’s
beam is centered on the imager’s face.
If needed, the imager can be used in an inverted position, such as
suspended from a rope or wire, placed on a tripod, or on its side
for imaging tall, narrow objects. An Image Orientation Indicator
in the marked corner of the image shows the orientation of the
object when the image was acquired. Regardless of the
orientation, the image appears on the controller screen as though
the imager was positioned with the handle on top. The image can
be rotated to the actual orientation using the RTR-4 software.