Set the height adjustment lever to the desired position with the other hand.
Pos: 15.19 / Innenteil/ Vorbe reitende Arbe iten/Einste llung der Schnitthöhe H inweis J S63 VARIO/C/JS63V/C @ 6\mod_1187010275749_6.docx @ 38698 @ @ 1
Set all levers to the same height, except for the two lowest cutting height
settings (A and B in the following table). In the two lower cutting heights,
set the rear lever one notch higher than the front lever.
This setting serves for optimization of the air flow during ejection and
enables optimum discharge of the cut material during mulching.
Start with a higher setting and lower it as necessary to prevent the grass
from being cut too short.
Cutting height in mm
20 mm
33 mm
45 mm
59 mm
70 mm
85 mm
97 mm
Please note that the lower cutting height settings are only to be used under
optimum conditions. If your selected cutting height is too low, the sward
may be damaged and even destroyed.
In addition to the cutting height, the driving speed also influences the
cutting pattern and the collection result. Adjust the cutting height and
the driving speed to the grass height to be cut; do not switch on the
autodrive, if applicable.
Pos: 15.20 / Innenteil/ Vorbe reitende Arbe iten/1.1 Holmhö he einstelle n (Abb ildung W3 ) @ 3\mo d_1158740093447_6. docx @ 20212 @ 2 @ 1
Setting the bar height (figure
Pos: 15.21 / Innenteil/ Vorbe reitende Arbe iten/Holmhöhe einstellen Text J S63 @ 3\mod_1158740385369_6.docx @ 20222 @ @ 1
The height of the lower guide bar can be set to three different positions.
Remove the wing nut (A) and the screw (B) on both sides of the guide bar.
Turn the bar to the desired height (C).
Plug the screw (B) from the outside through the holder and lower bar
section, and tighten it to the knurled nut (A). Use the same opening in the
holder on both sides.
Pos: 16.3 /Innente il/Siche rheitshinweise/ Sicherhe itshinweis: Stein @ 0\mod _1115200949078_6.do cx @ 333 @ @ 1
Safety information!
For explanation of symbols, see the table on page 3
Pos: 16.4 /Innente il/Vo r de r Ersten Inbetrieb nahme/ Allgeme ine Siche rheitshinweise Benzinmähe r + Text DLG @ 37\mod _1436248174398_6.do cx @ 400214 @ @ 1
Check all screw connections and the spark plug connector for a tight fit. Tighten the
screws, if necessary. You must particularly check the fastening of the cutter bar
chapter “Maintenance of the cutter bar”).
The blade fastening screw must always be tightened by an authorised
workshop. If the blade screw is tightened excessively or insufficiently, blade
coupling and cutter bar may be damaged or get loose, which can lead to
serious injuries.
The lawn mower is fitted with an engine stop device.
Before using the equipment for the first time, make sure that the engine stop safety
control bar is working perfectly. When the control bar is released, engine and cutter
bar must come to a standstill within three seconds.
After release, the bar must always return to the position shown in the
of components” diagram.
If this is not the case, it must be checked immediately by an authorised workshop.
Risk of injury!
If the stopping time of the blade is longer, stop using the device and take it to an
authorised workshop.
Measuring the stopping time
After starting the combustion engine, the blade rotates and a wind noise can be heard.
The stopping time corresponds to the duration of the wind noise after the combustion
engine has been switched off; it can be measured with a stopwatch.
Pos: 16.5 /Innente il/Vo r de r Ersten Inbetrieb nahme/ Siche rheits- und Schutzeinrichtungen ... dürfen nicht manip ulie rt ode r deaktivie rt we rden!_dl_text @ 38\mod_1437988093850_6.docx @ 402468 @ @ 1
Machine safety and protective devices must not be manipulated or disabled.
Pos: 16.6 /Innente il/Vo r de r Ersten Inbetrieb nahme/Da rauf achten ... Schutze inrichtunge n ord nung sgemäß ange bra cht und nicht be schäd igt sind! @ 37\mod _1436249863921_6.do cx @ 400690 @ @ 1
Make sure that all protective devices have been attached properly and are not
Pos: 16.7 /Innente il/Vo r de r Ersten Inbetrieb nahme/1.1 Öl einfülle n (Abb ild ung Y1 ) @ 0\mo d_1115210961078_6. docx @ 365 @ 2 @ 1
Filling with oil (figure Y1 )
Pos: 16.8 /Innente il/Siche rheitshinweise/ Sicherhe itshinweis: Ex plosion @ 0\mo d_1115210618640_6. docx @ 363 @ @ 1
Safety information!
For explanation of symbols, see the table on page 3
Pos: 16.9 /Innente il/Vo r de r Ersten Inbetrieb nahme/Öl einfüllen H inweis Mo tor J S63 @ 3\mod_1158825745978_6.docx @ 20352 @ @ 1
Avoid damage! Engine is delivered without oil. You must add oil before running
the engine.
Pos: 16.10 / Innenteil/ Vor de r Erste n Inbe triebnahme/ Öl einf üllen Text Moto r B& S 550 E-Se rie s, 675EXi, 650 Qua ntum @ 44\mod _1469090694063_6.do cx @ 504524 @ @ 1
Before the first start, fill in engine oil (quantity and quality see technical data)
with a funnel into this opening after unscrewing the dipstick.
Park the mower on level ground.
Fill in the oil slowly through the filler. Do not overfill. After filling in the oil,
wait for about one minute and then check the oil level.
Insert the dipstick and tighten it.
Checking the oil level
Remove the dipstick. Wipe the dipstick with a clean cloth, reinsert and tighten it.
Pull out the dipstick again and read off the oil level. The oil must be at the top of
the full marking (arrow). If necessary, refill oil. However, the oil level must not be
above the full marking.
Reinsert the dipstick and tighten it.
After initial filling, remove the sign “NO OIL” at the top of the engine.
Pos: 16.11 / Innenteil/ Vor de r Erste n Inbe triebnahme/1. 1 Kraftstoff einfüllen @ 0\mod_1115211956203_6.docx @ 371 @ 2 @ 1
Filling with fuel
Pos: 16.12 / Innenteil/ Sicherhe itshinweise/Sicherheitshinweis: Explo sion, Benzin @ 0\mod_1115211811093_6. docx @ 369 @ @ 1
Safety information!
For explanation of symbols, see the table on page 3
Pos: 16.13 / Innenteil/ Vor de r Erste n Inbe triebnahme/Kraf tstoff einfülle n Text @ 0\mo d_1127830250803_6. docx @ 1258 @ @ 1
Only fill the tank with fresh and clean unleaded standard petrol.
Fuel with up to 10% ethanol is acceptable.
Unscrew the tank cap.
Fill tank with fuel using a funnel up to max. lower edge of the filling nozzle.
Replace tank cap and screw tight.
Pos: 17.3 /Innente il/Siche rheitshinweise/ Sicherhe itshinweis: Fuss, Stein, Ab stand @ 0\mod_1115212854781_6.docx @ 379 @ @ 1
Safety information!
For explanation of
symbols, see the table on page 3
Pos: 17.4 /Innente il/Starten des Motors/ Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise Se itenauswurf @ 27\mod_1381834277264_6.do cx @ 200529 @ @ 1
Only start the engine when standing behind the mower. Do not stand on the ejection
Always place the mower on a level area which is not covered with high grass
(if the grass is too high it will block the start-up of the cutter bar and make the starting
process more difficult). When the engine is started, the machine must not be tilted on
end, if necessary it must be tilted by pressing the guide bar down so that the cutting tool
is pointing in the direction away from the user, but only as far as absolutely necessary.
As long as the device has not been lowered to the ground again, both of your hands
must be on the top part of the bar.
Pos: 17.5 /Innente il/Starten des Motors/ Sta rte rseilgriff während de s Startens fest umfasse n VORSICHT @ 13\mod_1280234045462_6.docx @ 110216 @ @ 1
Hold the starter cable handle firmly when starting. The handle may otherwise slip
out of your hand. Risk of injury!
Pos: 17.6 /Innente il/Starten des Motors/H inweis: W ICHT IG @ 0\mod_1115213366156_6.docx @ 385 @ @ 1
The engine will only run when the safety control bar on the upper handlebar
section is pressed. The moment the control bar is released, the latter will return
into its original position by spring force, the engine brake is activated and engine
and cutter bar will come to a standstill within three seconds.
Pos: 17.7 /Innente il/Starten des Motors/ Sta rten de s Moto rs Text SAU11379 J S63 @ 10\mod_1251375165644_6.docx @ 89886 @ @ 1
Press the safety control bar (1) onto the upper handlebar section (2) and
hold it there D.
Slowly pull the starter cable (3) until resistance is felt, then pull it out
rapidly E
the engine starts to run
, slowly recoil the cable.
Pos: 17.8 /Innente il/Starten des Motors/H inweis: Ready Sta rt-Sy stem, opt. max.Drehzahl (W14 fixed speed) @ 12\mod_1262874621558_6.docx @ 104067 @ @ 1
This engine has a temperature-controlled automatic choke.
The engine runs automatically at an optimum maximum speed, which is required for
a clean cut pattern (engine speed = blade speed).