125 Limit by Cost Center Group
In order to implement a cost-center-related access and/or consumption control, you may proceed
as follows:
Define cost center groups for particular areas, such as
Projects, department, private
Set the corresponding job category limits per cost center group in the area
Cost center
group limit
Define cost centers which will be allocated to a cost center group, e.g.
), etc.
Allocate users and/or user groups to the respective cost center group(s).
All jobs affected in ROWE SCAN/COPY/PRINT APP are then entered in the respective cost center
group. The advantage of this limitation is that only a few settings are required for the job
category limit if some cost centers can be included in groups.
Cost centers and cost center groups have the same priority. If a job category limit is
also set for a cost center, it is checked first whether the consumed quantity is charged
to the cost center or the cost center group. The check is affected on the basis of the
discount while the "most favorable" for the user is always used. If the discount is
identical for the cost center and the cost center group, the consumed quantity is
charged to the item having more limit.