RCP Technik GmbH & Co. KG, Tarpen 40/Gebäude 7b, D-22419 Hamburg
Hotline: +49 (0)6 31/3 42 84 49
8.3. Date and time
Set the time zone of the surveillance camera and whether date and time should be automatically updated via a so-called NTP
server (Time server). The correct time is, for instance, required for planning alarms or FTP transfers.
Current date and time:
This option shows the date and time as it saved in the surveillance camera. This data is synchro-
nised with the settings of the local system during saving. Where the option “Synchronise with NTP Server “ is not selected,
the date and time can be set with this function.
Time zone:
Select the time zone in which the surveillance camera is located.
Synchronise with NTP server:
Select this option if the date and time are to be automatically updated via a NTP server.
NTP Server:
Select the NTP Server via which the date and time are to be updated from the specified list. You can also enter
NTP servers by name or IP address that are not listed.
Click on
to accept the changed settings. The changes are saved without having to restart the surveillance camera.