RCP Technik GmbH & Co. KG, Tarpen 40/Gebäude 7b, D-22419 Hamburg
Hotline: +49 (0)6 31/3 42 84 49
Click on
“Rollei SafetyCam“
to install the program
Rollei SafetyCam Config
. Follow on-screen information until software
installation is completed.
Once installed, the program can be found under
All programs
Rollei SafetyCam Config.
By clicking on the option “Operating Instructions” in the Start menu of the Software CD, the Operating Instructions can be
opened on screen in the system language of the computer.
In the event of your computer not containing a suitable program to open pdf files, you cal also install the program "Adobe
Acrobat Reader“.
5.4. Cloud installation “Rollei Cloud”
Your Rollei SafetyCam20 HD has been set up for simple camera installation. For this purpose we have provided a Cloud soluti-
on that can be quickly and easily set up. After installation you can at any time access the camera directly via the “Rollei Cloud”.
A Cloud is a platform on the Internet producing the connection between camera and your end device (computer, mobile,
TabletPC) Only the connecting data required for the camera are stored at Rollei Cloud but not camera images.
Below the few steps for setting up your Rollei SafetyCam20 HD for use via the Cloud are explained.