RCP Technik GmbH & Co. KG, Tarpen 40/Gebäude 7b, D-22419 Hamburg
Hotline: +49 (0)6 31/3 42 84 49
5.4.1. Implement Setup assistant
1. In the program IPCam Config call up the Setup assistant under “Settings”.
2. Select “Rollei SafetyCam 20 HD“ as camera model and click on “OK”. This calls up the existing settings of the camera.
3. In order to set up the camera for use via Rollei Cloud, select the third option “Camera with Rollei Cloud during the next step
4. Enter any name for the camera in the next window,
describing, for instance, the location.
5. In the next step select Wireless network and set
region to “Europe” and enter the key.