User Manual 1179.3315.02 ─ 01
Input source oscilloscope I/Q mode:
Oscilloscope Splitter Mode
Activates the use of the power splitter inserted between the [IF 2 GHZ OUT] connector
of the R&S
FSW and the [CH1] and [CH3] input connectors of the oscilloscope. Note
that this mode requires an additional alignment with the power splitter.
For details see the R&S
Analyzer and I/Q Input User Manual.
Remote command:
Oscilloscope IP Address
When using the optional 2
GHz bandwidth extension (R&S FSW-B2000) with an R&S
FSW as the connected instrument, the entire measurement, as well as both instru-
ments, are controlled by the R&S
VSE software. Thus, the instruments must be con-
nected via LAN, and the TCPIP address of the oscilloscope must be defined in the
VSE software.
For tips on how to determine the computer name or TCPIP address, see the oscillo-
scope's user documentation.
Remote command:
Preselector State
Turns the preselector on and off.
When you turn on the preselector, you can configure the characteristics of the prese-
lector and add the preamplifier into the signal path.
When you turn off the preselector, the signal bypasses the preselector and the pream-
plifier, and is fed into the input mixer directly.
Remote command:
Preselector Mode
Selects the preselection filters to be applied to the measurement.
Automatically applies all available bandpass filters in a measurement.
Available with the optional preamplifier.
"Auto Wide"
Automatically applies the wideband filters consecutively:
Lowpass 40 MHz
Bandpass 30 MHz to 2250 MHz
Bandpass 2 GHz to 8 GHz
Bandpass 8 GHz to 26.5 GHz
Available with the optional preselector.
Input and Frontend Settings