User Manual 1179.3315.02 ─ 01
The data is input in its original waveform format and converted to I/Q
data in the R&S
VSE software. No additional options are required on
the R&S oscilloscope.
For data imports with large bandwidths, this format is more conven-
ient as it allows for longer record lengths if appropriate memory
options are available on the R&S oscilloscope.
Uses "I/Q" mode when possible, and "Waveform" only when required
by the application (e.g. Pulse measurement, Oscilloscope Baseband
Remote command:
B2000 State
Activates the optional 2
GHz bandwidth extension (R&S FSW-B2000).
The R&S
VSE software supports input from a connected R&S
FSW with a
B2000 option installed. However, the R&S
FSW interface to the oscilloscope must be
set up and aligned directly on the instrument before the R&S
VSE software can start
analyzing the input.
The analysis bandwidth is defined in the data acquisition settings of the application as
usual. Note that the maximum bandwidth cannot be restricted manually as for other
bandwidth extension options.
Manual operation on the connected oscilloscope, or remote operation other than by the
VSE, is not possible while the B2000 option is active.
Remote command:
Oscilloscope Sample Rate
Determines the sample rate used by the connected oscilloscope.
This setting is only available if an R&S oscilloscope is used to obtain the input data,
either directly or via the R&S FSW.
); provides maximum record length
Achieves a higher decimation gain, but reduces the record length by
Only available for R&S oscilloscope models that support a sample
rate of 20
GHz (see data sheet).
For R&S oscilloscopes with an analysis bandwidth of 4
GHz or larger,
a sample rate of 20
GHZ is always used in waveform
Provides a maximum sample rate.
Only available for I/Q
, and only for R&S
models that support a sample rate of 40
GHz (see data sheet)
Remote command:
Input source R&S FSW via oscilloscope:
Input source oscilloscope waveform mode:
Input and Frontend Settings