Data and File Management
User Manual 1317.4726.02 ─ 01
The first column contains the time values of the samples in relation to the trigger point,
and the second column contains the associated amplitude values. The first line indicates
the units of the values in each column, and the name of the waveform. Pairs of values
are listed as two single values with the same time value (minimum and maximum).
The data can be loaded back to the instrument for further use.
Example CSV1:
Waveform of channel 1, single values
Example CSV2:
Waveform of channel 1, pairs of values
Example CSV3:
Import of CSV files:
If you import a CSV file as reference waveform from a USB flash
drive to the instrument, the import converts the data to TRF format. The instrument reads
the first and the last time value and calculates the total time of the waveform, and it counts
the number of values. Then all amplitude values are read one by one and written with an
equidistant time distribution to the TRF file. If the first two time values are identical, the
waveform is considered to consist of pairs of values.
TXT Format
TXT files are ASCII files that contain only amplitude values in scientific notation but no
time values. Amplitude values are separated by commas. Pairs of values are listed as
two subsequent single values, without any identification. There is no comma at the end
of the file.
TXT file
BIN Format
BIN files contain binary amplitude values only but no time values. Each value has a word
size of 8, or 16, or 32 bit, the word size is the same throughout the file.
Saving and Loading