Assembly instructions
Order No.
Bend the guide tube 9.1 to the shape shown in the full-size
drawing - Fig. 102. Ensure that the ends are smooth and
free of sharp edges.
Drill a 3.5 mm Ø hole through the deck at an angle as
shown in Fig. 103.
Fit the tube 9.1 in the hole and position the support rail 9.2
between deck and tube. Position this assembly so that the
end of the tube is accessible from above through the
hatch, and glue it in place using ST-E - Figs. 104 and 105.
Glue the two rear guide tubes 9.3 in place as shown in Fig.
Glue the sleeves 9.4 in the holes previously drilled in the
hatch coamings (see Fig. 70).
Modify the swivel 9.5 as shown in Fig. 107 and 108 and
solder it to the pulley block 9.6 - Fig. 109. Solder carefully:
the loop must be free to move. Place the parts of the swi-
vel to one side.
Drill a 1.2 mm Ø hole in the pulley block as shown.
Bend the sheet bars 9.7 and 9.8 to shape, and complete
them by fitting parts 9.5, 9.6, 9.9 and 9.10 on them. Solder
the washers and sleeves to the bars - Fig. 110.
Turn the six split pins 9.11 “inside-out”: open up the split
pins and straighten them, then re-form them with the con-
vex face on the inside.
Drill out the return pulley blocks 9.12 using a 2 mm Ø drill
and carefully remove all rough edges. Fit two of the split
pins into them. Solder each of the split pins to a tubular
rivet 9.13 - Fig. 111.
Attach the split pin 9.15 and the tubular rivet 9.16 to the
double pulley block 9.14.
Drill out the holes in the deck to the diameters stated in the
drawing, and insert the prepared sub-assemblies in them
as shown in Fig. 112.
Before installing the sheets the radio control system has to
be prepared. Transmitter expansion: install the linear slider
in the left-hand option bay. Fit the Dual Rates module in a
convenient option bay.
Withdraw the plugs for channels 3 and 4 at the transmitter
and connect the Dual Rates module to these two channels.
Connect stick channel 3 and the linear slider to the modu-
le as described in the instructions.
The next step is to set the winding travel of the winches:
temporarily connect them to the receiver. The steering
servo and speed controller are not needed at this stage.
Connect the main sailwinch to channel 4 and the foresail
winch to linear slider channel 4.
Switch on the transmitter and connect the receiver battery.
Run the main winch to one end-point.
Screw the winch to the mounting plate. Move transmitter
channel 3 to the “stick back towards you” end-point, inclu-
ding trim. This position - stick back - corresponds to “sails
close-hauled”. Mark the chain at the position indicated in
the illustration by the arrow “M”, e.g. by attaching a croco-
dile clip - Fig. 113. Slowly move the stick in the opposite
direction and watch the croc-clip: it should move in the
direction of the small sprocket. If the clip moves towards
the large sprocket instead, reverse the channel at the
transmitter (servo reverse switch).
Use the Dual Rates function to adjust the winch travel: the
working travel between the sprockets should be 30 cm.
Note that using the Dual Rates function alters both winch
travel end-points simultaneously, so you will need to re-
position the croc-clip each time you change the Dual Rates
setting. Once you have established the correct working
travel mark the chain link at the “M” position using a felt-tip
all the cut ends of rigging thread should be melted
using a match to prevent it fraying. In some cases you will
find it best to melt the ends after you have tied the knot.
Cut the foresail sheet 9.17 to length and slip it into the
guide tube 9.1. Secure the sheet above the deck so that it
cannot slip back underneath.
Run the winch fully up (stick forward - away from you). Run
the foresail sheet through the hole in the sheet drum 7.13
and fit the brass crimp sleeve 9.18 on it. Tie a knot in the
end of the sheet, then crimp the brass sleeve at the knot.
Squeeze the sleeve just to the point where the cord no lon-
ger slips, but is not cut right through - see Fig. 113.
Now run the winch to the close-hauled end-point, and the
foresail sheet should wind up on the sheet drum. Lay the
foresail sheet one more full turn round the drum by hand,
then run the winch up fully again.
De-burr the inside of the brass crimp sleeve 9.18 and
carefully squeeze it into an oval cross-section.
Slip a length of cord through the sleeve 9.18 and use it to
draw the rubber cord through - Fig. 114. Tie a knot in the
short end of the rubber cord. Adjust the position of the
crimp sleeve and rubber cord to produce a loop about 15
mm in diameter. Fit the retaining sleeve 9.20 in a similar
Connect the rubber cord to the screw 8.8 and run the retai-
ning sleeve 9.20 up to it. Run the cord through the pulley
block 8.11 - Fig. 115.
Fit a crimp sleeve 9.18 on the rubber cord and tie a knot in
the cord where it passes the deck girder 5.2. The rubber
should not be under tension.
Form a loop in the foresail sheet 9.17 centrally between
the deck girders 5.2 and 5.3 using the sleeve 9.18 - Fig.
114. Fit the rubber cord through this loop, tighten the loop
and crimp the sleeve onto it - Fig. 116.
Check both end-points of the winch, then run the winch up
again fully.
Cut the schooner sheet 9.21 to length and tie the hook
9.22 to it. Engage the sheet in the chain three links from
the small sprocket, and run it through the ring-screw 7.19
and the sleeve 9.4. Secure the sheet above deck - Fig.
Cut the main sheet 9.23 to length and attach the prepared
hook 9.22 to it. Engage the main sheet a few links from the
guide disc 7.15 and thread it through one of the guide
tubes 9.3, a sleeve 9.4 and the double block 9.14 - Fig.
The return path of the main sheet is completed once the
rigging has been installed as described below - see also
Stage 33.