Manual ERZ2000-DI · EN1.2 · 2017, December 21st
Terminal assignment
Connection of supply voltage:
Figure 61: Rear wall of the ERZ2000-DI
(bottom left)
X 16
24 V DC
10% / +15%
Fuse F1 = 2 A
1.0 A
Typical power con-
(depending on equip-
24 W
Max. output
ERZ2000-DI without external Ex- separator stage Ex1-NAMUR-2 / V1 or V2
X 1
Terminal 1 Transistor output 1 +
Terminal 2 Transistor output 1 -
Terminal 3 Transistor output 2 +
Terminal 4 Transistor output 2 -
Terminal 5 Transistor output 3 +
Terminal 6 Transistor output 3 -
Terminal 7 Transistor output 4 +
Terminal 8 Transistor output 4 -
Terminal 9 Alarm c semiconductor rel. poled, NC
Terminal 10 Alarm contact
semiconductor rel. poled, NC
X 2
Terminal 1 Transistor output 5 +
Terminal 2 Transistor output 5 -
Terminal 3 Transistor output 6 +
Terminal 4 Transistor output 6 -
Terminal 5 Transistor output 7 +
Terminal 6 Transistor output 7 -
Terminal 7 Frequency (higher prio) or transistor output 8 +
Terminal 8 Frequency output - (higher prio) or transistor output 8 -
Terminal 9 Transistor output Warning m
Terminal 10 Transistor output Warning message -
X 3
Terminal 1 Pulse output 1 + Dispatcher or meter pulse
Terminal 2 Pulse output 1 - Dispatcher or meter pulse
Terminal 3 Pulse output 2 + Dispatcher or meter pulse
Terminal 4 Pulse output 2 - Dispatcher or meter pulse
Terminal 5 Pulse output 3 + Dispatcher or meter pulse
Terminal 6 Pulse output 3 - Dispatcher or meter pulse
Terminal 7 Pulse output 4 + Dispatcher or meter pulse
Terminal 8 Pulse output 4 - Dispatcher or meter pulse
Terminal 9
2nd input for Vo with external separator stage +
Terminal 10
2nd input for Vo with external separator stage -