Manual ERZ2000-DI · EN1.2 · 2017, December 21st
Parameter change:
There are different ways to change parameters:
1. Fields with an arrow (e.g. specification of the parameter shown in "large")
Figure 29: "AB Large"
Clicking on the arrow (in the red circle) opens a selection menu (see above). The
desired value can be selected from these specification parameters.
Entries can be made directly in other fields, e.g.
IC04 Retrigger success
Figure 28: Automatically changing value "IC06 PTB trigger"
Figure 30: Entry in fields (numbers)
The desired time after which a re-login takes place is entered directly in the field
(with the example 90000 s
1 day), the assigned unit ( [s] ) was already as-
signed. Other fields contain additional information that can also be entered directly
Figure 31: Entry in fields (text)
the manufacturer "Rosemount" is entered).
Figure 31: Entry in fields (text)
A final possibility is fields that can be activated (
Figure 32: Activation of value
Figure 32: Activation of value fields
By clicking on the value: "edit", a sub-menu appears in which the variable
Absolute pressure
can be changed.