Manual ERZ2000-DI · EN1.2 · 2017, December 21st
Only display is possible on the device; the archive content can also be ex-
ported in the Excel-compatible tsv format with the internet browser.
Figure 56: "Archive"
Call-up of archive data
The desired archive group (AG) is selected at the top left. A search time can be
entered in the field below it. After pressing "Search", the entry is displayed to the
right with this date and time.
If no entry exists with this time, the next newest data record is displayed.
Two fields for jumping to the oldest or newest entry are included. The indenture
number indicates the current position, i.e. the index of the displayed entry. Jumps
of ±1, ±10, ±100 and ±1000 positions can be made with the fields below.
The display can be automated so that the last stored value is always displayed.
For this purpose, the last data record (end) must be selected first, then the func-
tion "Autom. refresh" must be activated. If the newest data record is not displayed,
the check box is deactivated and meaningless. "End" must be actuated before the
automation is reactivated. The actualization process is displayed with a blinking of
the background color of the check box. In the process, color-coding differentiates
between updating and updating and display of a new data record.
The values in the table can have different background colors: