Manual ERZ2000-DI · EN1.2 · 2017, December 21st
Pending alarms, i.e. faults of the custody transfer functions that re-
sult in counting in the disturbance meters. General alarms are iden-
tified with
; internal computer errors are identified with
Current warnings, identified with
, that refer to an error of a
non-custody-transfer function. The main meters continue to run.
Notices (
) of implausible parameterization or potentially faulty
operating statuses.
Messages (
) normal operating statuses, e.g. "User lock is
Alarms or warnings that are temporary, have not been acknowl-
edged, but are no longer present.
LED status:
blinking /
Warning and alarm messages are displayed by a yellow
(warning) and a red (alarm) LED on the front side of the de-
vice. The blinking LED indicates an active message. If a
continuous light is present, the warning (alarm) is no longer
present, but the message has not been deleted yet.
If multiple messages are pending simultaneously, the
blinking status has priority.
Relay closes
The warning relay and/or alarm relay closes in parallel.
If single-value and double-value messages are differentiated between; a single-
value message appears and then is pending permanently, the two-value message
is always present, but with interruptions. There is only one status for single-value
messages: "Message is active"; the active status for these messages remains in
effect until acknowledgment. The warning or alarm relay is energized if a (or multi-
ple) message(s) occurs (occur) and reset if no messages are present. The relays
remain active for single-value messages until acknowledgment.
All messages that have not been acknowledged are shown in the display. With
"Delete", the no longer pending alarms and warnings and all other messages are
deleted from this display. With "Delete", the relevant LEDs are also deactivated, if
no alarm or warning is pending. However, the deleted messages are stored in the
log book (archive group 21). If no events are pending, the following text appears:
no errors
The "Message" tab is displayed in the color of the message having the highest
value if you are in other menus / screens.
Warning and alarm messages can be acknowledged in the Miscellaneous menu,
Error display sub-menu with the button under the error list.