Manual ERZ2000-DI · EN1.2 · 2017, December 21st
Figure 6: Operation of the ERZ2000-DI
Very simple adjustment takes place with the browser available on the PC (e.g. In-
ternet Explorer, Firefox, etc.), which essentially corresponds to operation of the
touchscreen. In addition, display on the PC enables the startup of a wizard directly
in the browser for convenient commissioning. The local connection is established
via a standard network cable (LAN cable).
Operation of the ERZ2000-DI via the browser is the recommended adjustment and
operation possibility and, therefore, is given priority below. Operation with the
browser generally offers expanded display options. Furthermore, display on the
touchscreen is identical to display on the browser; small differences are purely vis-
ual in nature and do not limit the adjustment options for the ERZ2000-DI via the
web browser.
The LAN cable connects one of the 2 connection ports (Ethernet 1 or 2) on the rear
side of the ERZ2000-DI (
see Figure 7: Rear side of the ERZ2000-DI and Ethernet
) with the local network of the PC.