Manual ERZ2000-DI · EN1.2 · 2017, December 21st
Figure 49: "Type plate" sub-menu under "Functions"
The type plate of the device is displayed in the "Type plate" submenu. This in-
cluded further data, e.g. about the electronics (calibration kernel, Bios, WinCE ker-
nel), about the meters and their settings (dimensions, pulse value), about the type
of gas (composition, velocity of sound) and the environmental and standard condi-
tions (pressure, temperature).
Only the type plate data is displayed here; there is no input possibility in the type
plate display. Entry of the values takes place by entering the parameters of the rel-
evant transmitter devices (
chapter "4 Transmitters
The type plate can also be viewed in the browser under the menu
AI ID display