12. Switching off the computer
In order to prevent any possibility of data loass or corruption to the hard disc, it is
recommended that the following method of shutting down the computer be followed.
Normal shutdown procedure
When you have finished using you computer and are ready to switch it off, the proper
procedure for shutting the machine down is:
• Move the pointer to the RISC OS 4 CUBE on the right-hand side of the Icon Bar
and click MENU on it. Move up the list to the 'Shutdown' option and click
SELECT. If you are presented with a confirmation dialogue box (according to
the configuration of the machine - using the Configuration tool, you can choose
whether or not to have a shutdown warning) then press 'Shutdown' or 'Cancel' as
required. (Alternatively, you could use the combination of keys <CTRL>+<
SHIFT>+<f12> as a shortcut).
• Now switch off the computer by pressing in (and holding) the Power button until
you hear the TWO beeps (you will also hear the hard drive stop spinning).
• If you attempt to shutdown whilst there are still applications active with unsaved
data, then you will be prompted by an dialogue box to confirm your actions since
the content of the computer's working memory is not retained when the power is
turned off - only files which have been saved to disc will be kept.
• You are also able to shutdown, and optionally stwich off (go into standby mode)
at the same time, at a pre-determined time using the Power Management
application software either in the Utilities directory on the hard disc/CD ROM,
or available via the RiscStation website.