1. Unpacking and Setting Up
When unpacking your new RiscStation R7500 computer, take care not to bump or knock the
equipment. Any sudden impact could cause damage, so handle your new computer carefully.
Unpack onto a sturdy, flat surface. It is a good idea to keep the packaging in which your
computer (and any accessories) arrived; this is useful for re-packing at a later date should
you need to transport the equipment.
Warning: The packaging contains plastic bags which can be dangerous
and might cause suffocation, especially in the hands of children. For safety,
ensure these are kept well out of reach.
With your RiscStation R7500, you should have the following items:
This Welcome Guide
Backup System CD
Computer Base Unit ('Tower' or 'Desktop' style)
Three-buttoned Mouse
Mains cables
Registration Card
Monitor/Display (if purchased with system)
Speakers (with some models)
Software pack (where applicable)
Refer to the enclosed packing list for a precise list.
Please check that you have all of the above items. If there is anything listed which you do
not have, or if any of the the listed items is damaged, please contact your supplier as soon as
Please take a few minutes to fill in your Registration Card and send it back to RiscStation
Ltd. (UK) or RiscStation Australasia, as appropriate, so that you can be sent any updates in
the future.