What is a dialogue box?
A dialogue box is a window which opens on screen with which you are required to interact
This might be for saving a document, changing the computer's settings, or accepting warning
or information message.
Icons in dialogue boxes
A 'Writable Icon' is where you have the opportunity to enter text into a window in order to
label an object, such as a file or directory, or to enter a configuration option into the computer'
s setting.
Where a program has options for you to select from, you might be presented with an Option
icon - another name for this might be a 'tick box' - if you wish to choose such an option, you
simply put a tick in the box.
Due to the flexibility of RISC OS which allows for user customisation, some application
software might activate their own preferred icons temporarily superimposing them over the
ones built into the operating system. - such modifications can affect any or all sprites used in
the desktop. This can be prevented by selecting the 'Protect ROM Sprites' in the Windows
configuration tool.
Where you are presented with a number of options from which you may only select only one,
you will be presented with a Radio icon (for example, if there are two options, you may only
select EITHER one OR the other).