The part of a computer that controls data storage so that the computer
Management primarily accesses its high-performance cache memory
rather than its Unit (MMU) slower main memory. Often abbreviated to
Microprocessor The central control unit that directs the processing of data (arithmetic
and logic functions) in computer systems by directing the flow of
electrical impulses, thereby co-ordinating the efforts of other parts of
the machine. When the microprocessor receives an instruction, it
interprets the instruction and tells the other parts of the computer (disc
drives, video display etc) what they should do
Acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. The stardard
method by which musical electronic instrument (such as keyboards)
communicate with computers or other musical instruments).
Modulator/Demodulator. A device that converts audio signals to
digital signals back into audio.
The screen which displays the computer's graphical user interface and
output. (see also VDU).
Acronym for Moving Picture Experts Group. A standard for the digital
compression and decompression of motion video/audio for use in
computer systems.
The combination of text, graphics, audio, and video.
Nanosecond (ns) One billionth of a second. In this time, electrical pulses travel
approximately 12 inches.
Acronym for Original Equipment Manufacturer. A company that
designs, develops, and produces or simply assembles electronic
Computer software that enables a computer and its peripheral systems
to work together as a unit.
Parallel port
The connection, or port, which allows data to be transferred (usually bi-
directionally) in streams of data running in parallel (see also Serial).
Acronym for Portable Document Format (from Adobe). A type of
electronic file format providing a faithful replica of a document and
allowing it to be understood across different computer platforms using
an appropriate PDF reader application.
Acronym for Printer Definition File. An acronym colloquial to the
RISC OS computer platform. The RISC OS software which
communicates with Printers is, in essence, non-descript and generic -an
appropriate PDF (printer definition file) provides it witht the correct
information for communicating with a particular make and model of