3: The RISC OS desktop
When using your RISC OS computer, the main screen display you will see and use for most
operations is known as the desktop. This can also be referred to as a WIMP environment,
which is an acronym for Windows, Icons, Menus, and Pointer, all of which are used when
operating any computer in its desktop.
At the bottom of the screen is the Icon Bar.
The icons (pictures) on the left-hand side of the Icon Bar give you access to the computer's
various storage areas. Those on the right-hand side allow you to dynamically change aspects
of the computer during operation, this is also where most application icons sit when active.
You may click SELECT, the left button on the mouse, with the mouse pointer on any of the
icons on the left-hand side of the Icon Bar to open a filer window showing a directory listing
for that device - for example, click SELECT once on the hard disc icon to open a window to
see and access the content of the hard disc.